
今天唱耶稣的是个韩国人,叫Locky Chung,我看了他的简介,貌似非常知名,就他的声音最洪亮,中场休息的时候我听别人也在议论,大部分人都觉得这韩国人唱的真好。今天我的座位真可谓是有VIP的气势,我坐在二楼的包厢第一排,如果2号是正中央的话,那么我的座位是八号,所以,可想而知那感觉,我什么瞎小动作都没敢做,哈哈,感觉那个地方太暴露了,而且这次整场演出的过程中坐席的登都是微弱档,所以也没有黑暗可以掩饰一下自己,连不舒服了想挪挪屁股都得三思而后行……哈哈,不过下半场还好,坐我旁边的两个人都没回来,所以地方大点,动动也无所谓。


明天晚上又有活动,去看马戏团演出,然后……下个礼拜四就放假啦!唉,等复活节完了之后一直到暑假就都没假期了,我就指着这几天看看能不能把落下的都补上了 >.<

Okay, this goes for you Adi poop... xD

Since I failed on finding a new blog host that's to my taste, I decided to stick with Weebly, so I'll start making a "double session", thanks to your ranting... >.> hahaha (you better come and visit often, otherwise I'm so not going to continue writing in two languages...)

Today I went to listen Matthäuspassion (By Bach) in the Arriaga Theatre, since Easter's approaching, this is one of the special programs I think, the director of the symphony is one of my favourite, he's called Spering, the music pieces under his control flows with so much energy, I really like the way he makes it all work together, and by the way, he has shoulder length grayish-silverish hair, hahaha, it just all makes him look more musician like.

The concert started around 8pm and I got home around 11:20pm, it lasted around 3 hours, I have to say the second half was better than the first half. During the first half, all the singers apart from the korean guy (Locky Chung) who sang Jesus's role, the rest all sounded as if they didn't have enough to eat, but I think they got heated up in the second half, so that half was a lot more emotional. After listening to Matthäuspassion twice(last time was during the Bach music week around beginning of March), I can tell how Jesus got betrayed and crucified and died and revived without thinking, I mean, although I knew that part of the story/bible/prophecy (however you want to call it) before I've listened to Bach's compositions. I totally agree with whoever said that Christianity only exists because of Bach's music.

Tomorrow night I'm going to a circus, a world famous Canadian circus, called Cirque du Soleil (The Sun Circus ?), so yeah, pray that I'll update on that when I'm done tomorrow. And yes, I'm procrastinating again...

Okay, today's pics, well this goes for you too Adi, you pled/pleaded (which ever English you prefer) me to take pics, and I usually fulfill my words. (You can ignore the filthy mirror...)

Ticket and pamphlet

Okay, me new lipsticks.


Umm, and at last, these are some photos when I was little, they're scanned by mom for some strange or surprising purpose on my high school graduation day, so yeah, now you get a chance to see how I was when I was young and innocent, hahahah xD

When I was months big

Around 1 year old

2 years old perhaps

Probably 3 to 4 years old

Can't really tell my age from these photos, some of them are taken before I got in primary school, some are after, I kind of placed them in order by age

The one in white is my mom, the other one is her Spanish friend

Don't get fooled by my smile and cool pose in this picture, I used to detest practice piano so much, till the point that I just had to drop it in the end, both mom and I suffered a lot, but thinking about it know, it was such a pity.

First time I went to Europe with mom

After I got back I simply blew up, do not underestimate the power of desserts.
I sometimes think, if I havent' gone to Europe with mom that time, maybe I wouldn't be like this right now.

Okay, let's jump a few years, this is how I look right before I went to Australia to study, and that's how I looked when my Yugoslavian classmate asked me if I was a girl or a boy......

This is how I look after I came to Spain for a year approximately, I'm wearing the same pants that I wore to the concert today, I bought them that day, I think I was 14 at that time, haha


So, conclusion, I guess I'm pretty much like any little girl, I wore dresses, skirts, pink and bright stuff, but see how I am now, haha, I guess people really do change while growing, in every aspect, hope that I will be evolving into somthing 'good', or at least harmless xD

4/2/2009 11:38:23 am

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